Domain Center |
Access your account - your existing domain registration account (if you've registered a domain here before) - - - - - You must use the same account name and password that you selected when you initially registered your domain. |
Obtain - a NEW domain name or search to see what is available. (Also see "NameSpin" below.) - - - - - You must create a new account to manage your domain record. Look for the "register here" link. |
Update - the Name Server Information on your current domain registration record so that it points to your web server. |
Transfer - your domain registration record to the DiasDomains registrar. - - - - - You must create a new account to manage your domain record. Look for the "register here" link. |
Multilingiual Registrations - - - - - - You must create a new account to manage your domain record. Look for the "register here" link. |
Namespin - The ever popular NameSpin application will help you come up with the perfect domain name. |
Expired domains - (and available) domains |
Whois - lookup in the domain registry (can also do a ping and tracerout). - - - - - A WhoIS lookup reveals who owns a domain and where the name servers are pointing. |